Frustrated That Your Business Seems To Run You And You're Stuck At A Growth Barrier?

New Book Reveals How Top Business Owners Achieve Rapid Business Growth Without Investing More Personal Time.

If you're an owner of a small to medium sized business with a team of five or more and you'd like to learn how to leverage your strengths to smash through the barriers to create an extraordinary business that works for you, this book is written for you.

Do you run your own business and work too many hours and would prefer to build an asset that work for you?

International author and business expert, Greg Roworth will show you how you can leverage your strengths to break through the growth barriers to create an extraordinary business that is sustainable, scalable and saleable, while it provides you with the freedom and prosperity you always wanted.

In Run Your Business On Autopilot, you'll learn:

  • The typical mistakes that limit business success and how to avoid them
  • How to leverage your time, knowledge and skills to the max
  • How to build a business that doesn't depend on you
  • 7 key leverage points to create an extraordinary business
  • The 1 critical marketing strategy you need to leverage and expand your sales and profits
  • How to make your business run better without you
  • The ultimate business growth system that frees you to run your business on autopilot.

Download the digital version now for AUD$7

If you already own the book (either digital or hard copy, see below how you can access the new bonus pack for just $1.

Book Purchasers will also get free access to our special live web event:

Cracking The Code To Disruptive Business Growth: Double Your Sales In 12 Months Or Less.

Building a successful consultancy business is a big challenge.


Hi, I'm Greg Roworth

I help owners of management consultancy businesses, IT service firms and other professional service firms build a thriving, professional practice that works for them, not because of them, so that they can have greater impact, greater income and more independence, prosperity and freedom.

I’ve successfully started, grown and sold three consultancy businesses in the past 25 years and have cracked the code on how to build a business that was not dependent on me.

But it wasn’t always that way.

At first, I struggled to get my consultancy practice off the ground and when I did find a degree of success and started to build a team around me, I soon discovered that I was trapped in the center of my business. It couldn't survive without my personal input and I had made several critical mistakes that meant that growing the business further became almost impossible.

Then came a critical moment that turned everything around. After having to take 6 weeks off to deal with a family medical crisis, I returned to a business that was almost ruined. While I was away, despite the assurances from my team that they had my back and would look after everything while I couldn't be there, we had gained no new clients during that time, and the work with our existing clients was coming to an end with no preparation having been done to move them forward into the next projects they needed.

I had to make to critical decisions to just be able to survive for the next few months.

That time turned out to be a blessing in disguise, because I sought the help I needed from people who had more experience and expertise than me, and I managed to move forward with a different strategy and a different approach. My business has transformed from being the typical professional practice and became a growth vehicle where I and my team could increase our impact with more clients than ever, while not requiring the same level of input from me.

Since I sold my last business, I've been focused on supporting other owners of professional practices to avoid the mistakes I made and to build their businesses successfully to work without them having to be there every moment, for fear of it falling apart.

In the Cracking The Code book, I've distilled my learnings and detailed the 7 step system that I and almost every successful top consultant has used to grow their business strategically and profitably, without having to invest more time than they enjoyed.

This book is different. It's not long on detail. It gets right to the point. It has the answers to your burning questions on how to grow a thriving professional practice without needing your constant input to survive or succeed.

Rave Reviews from Delighted Clients

“Our team is nothing but re-energised, refocused. We’re going to grow the

business by 35% so therefore the money is irrelevant, because it adds two to

three hundred thousand dollars to the bottom line, and they’re big numbers.”

Murray DeansDeans & Associates, Chartered Accountants

“We got added benefits that I didn’t even anticipate through this

process. A much more engaged cohesive team, a very clear idea together of

where we are going, and a much more solid idea of how we are going to get

there. I think we’ve all grown from it. There’s a level of trust through the

whole team that we’ve never had before.”

Helene Higbee, Higbee-Schaffler

“Greg Roworth has an amazingly big vision, and has acquired an impressive team of consultants to help achieve his goal. I have worked with Greg and his team over the last few years, and love the way they think…such a smart, savvy bunch!”

Bonnie Power,

Melbourne LinkedIn Trainer, Speaker

“Greg Roworth’s business growth has literally taken flight since I first met him. His accounting and business management experience led the way but it was the values he learned on the ground that taught him what was required to put his business on autopilot. Greg then had ample opportunity to share his wealth of experience and knowledge with others. It’s not too late to be one of those who catch his next scheduled take off. At minimum you will want to get your hands on his book. I’ve read it and highly recommend you do too!”

Glenn Dietzel,

Mentor to the World’s Highest Paid Business Coaches, Consultants, Experts and Advisors.

“Greg has been able to help us identify and focus on the aspects of our business

that are critical to our survival and growth. Greg quickly came to understand the

very special and unique nature of our work and was able to advise on our strengths

and weaknesses relative to turning our survival mode into a profit mode.”

Craig Turvey

3D Creative Design & Management

Read Cracking The Code to discover:

  • The 7 step system the most successful professional business owners use to break free from being stuck in the center of their business - to growing the business at the strategic level
  • How to position yourself as the authority in your profession so that your highest paying premium clients are seeking you out to work with you
  • The five critical mistakes that business owners typically make to almost kill their chances of growth and success - page 19
  • How to avoid negativity and lack of self-confidence and develop an attitude of success that will lead to you having total control over your future like the most successful business owners - page 31
  • The essential prerequisites for business success - page 38
  • How to attract success - page 40
  • The fatal flaw that exists in almost all SMEs that are dependent on the owner - page 44
  • The critical starting point for business success - page 46
  • Your true role as an entrepreneur - it's not what you might think - page 47
  • How to avoid the "this is how we've always done it" mentality - page 49
  • How to avoid playing "catch-up" in your business development - page 50
  • The most effective way to balance urgent needs with important long term goals - page 50
  • The way to write a business plan that works as a business growth tool and not a dust collector - page 54
  • The key to growing beyond survival level - page 59
  • The "sales-escalator" approach to building long lasting, profitable, professional client relationships - page 61
  • Why the aim to make money is a poor mission and how it actually undermines chances of success - page 61
  • How to break free of price competition forever, and having clients thank you for it - page 64
  • Why almost all advertising done by professional service firms is a waste of time, effort and money - page 67
  • How to enhance your value to clients and keep them for longer - page 72
  • Why the most used words on professional service firm websites and other marketing collateral are meaningless platitudes - page 76
  • The typical way that businesses employ new team members actually undermines the possibility of success - page 78
  • A secret principle used by Walt Disney that is the key to success in professional services - page 84
  • Why you need to become the orchestrator in your business - page 85
  • The critical choice every business owner needs to make - page 90
  • The three types of training your people need - pages 94 - 96
  • How to avoid the typical traps that lead to poor delegation - page 99
  • Learning to control your business performance like a general rather than a drill sergeant - page 102
  • The performance management system that liberates the owner from hands-on control - page 110
  • The importance of celebration and regeneration - page 113
  • How to set your business up so that your people run it for you - page 120


Paul Dunn

There have been lots of books written on how to run your business better, but most give you general steps - the kind of things that seem obvious anyway. Cracking The Code goes much further, detailing the processes that enable you to build a business that doesn't suck the life out of you but let's you build the business AND the life of your dreams.

Paul Dunn, Chairman Buy 1 Give 1, author of Firm of the Future, former founder of The Results Corporation and Results Accountants' Systems.


Suzanne Glendenning

In Cracking The Code, Greg Roworth addresses the challenges others have not; leverage, "the fatal flaw," a completely different way of thinking about your business and how to succeed and the mindset issue, just to name a few.

If you are serious about having a great business and a great life then it's simple. Just read the book and put it into action.

I highly recommend it if you are serious about your life success.


Sue Glendenning, Quantum Results Coaching International


Steve Taubman

I do a lot of business and personal coaching, yet I learned several things from reading Greg's useful book that will help me reduce my workload and enjoy my business more. It behooves everyone in business to buy, read and study this powerful resource.

Dr. Steven E. Taubman, bestselling author and speaker, founder of Power Track Presentations.

Order today and I'll add these 7 video training bonuses to help

(valued at $4,200, previously only available to our high level clients).


Bonus 1 - Leverage Through Leadership

Whether you employ people or not, when you run your own business, you are a leader.

You lead and inspire your clients.

You need to lead any suppliers you have to support your cause.

And if you do have employees, you need to lead them effectively to the point where they can grow your business for you.

In this video, I challenge you to address your ability to lead and cover what it takes to grow as a leader, so that you can become the leader your successful future business needs you to become, if it is ever going to be.

Discover the challenges I had to address personally to be able to survive in my first business, before I learnt to really make it successful, and the challenges that came with growth and success. Every business leader will need to develop the mindset and the capabilities I discuss in this training.


Bonus 2 - Strategic Planning

What do you need to do for your business to succeed in that your business works for you, instead of you being the one that makes it work?

You won't drift to success.  You need to decide what success for you looks like and make a plan for it to happen.

In this training video, I take you through the pitfalls and processes for creating a successful strategic plan for your business.


Bonus 3 - Create Your Sales Escalator - Attract Your Ideal Clients

How do you take the people who will become your ideal clients from strangers to raving fans?

In this training, I detail the step by step process you need to create in your business to help you scale your marketing and sales efforts in order to move beyond referrals and networking, which are not scalable, to create a system to attract, convert and escalate your perfect prospects to become clients first, then enthusiastic advocates.


Bonus 4 - Systematic Success

Could your business work as effectively and efficiently as a McDonalds fast  food store?

Could you have a business where everyone works in perfect harmony, just like an orchestra?

Learn how to grow your business where you become the orchestrator instead of the operator.  

In this training video, I detail what is required to build a business by removing dependency on you instead of creating a business that increases dependency on you.


Bonus 5 - Build a Self-Reliant Team

How do you ensure you have the right people on your team and set them up for success.

In this training video, I cover the critical aspects of building a team of people who can operate independently of you, but stay on track, self motivated and results focused to take your business to success.


Bonus 6 - Achieving Extraordinary Results

Achieving extraordinary results in a business is usually the result of managing and controlling the critical factors that lead to success.

In this training video, I describe what is required to identify the critical success factors and how to monitor them to achieve extraordinary results in your business.


Bonus 7 - Business Growth Model

In this training video I explain the Business Flightpath To Saleability model and help you understand the barriers at each level of growth and the focus needed to get to the next level.

How well set up are you and your business for growth to the next level?

The Cracking The Code Book is just AUD$7 and you’ll get an immediate digital download plus all 7 of the bonuses listed above at no additional cost.

These bonus video trainings were recorded live at monthly training sessions run with clients who paid $600 per month for the program, making the total value of these bonuses worth $4,200.

Order your digital copy today and get the exact method we’ve used in our own businesses to consistently grow them into scalable and saleable enterprises that didn't require me to be there all the time making them work, and enabling us to create a greater impact with clients and to find fulfilment and freedom from their success.

Click “Yes! I Want the book + bonuses” now and get started.


My 100%, No Questions Asked Guarantee.

I 100% guarantee you will love this book and the bonus video training or I will return your $7 and let you keep the book and training anyway.

That's right. You don't even have to send anything back. Just email me at and I'll give you back your $7 with no questions asked.

There is No Catch!

I realize this offer is very inexpensive for so much value, so you might be wondering, "What's the catch?

Well, there is no catch.

I'm virtually giving all this value to you as a goodwill gesture to entice you into my world, with the hope that this will be the start of a wonderful, long term business relationship.

You see, when you learn what's possible for you and your business, you might want to ask me and my team to help you grow it together. And seeing my clients achieve their dreams gives me the greatest joy and fulfilment.

So go ahead. Let's get started.